NOGS April Meeting
Non-destructive, automated scanning of fine-scale geological, petrophysical and geomechanical rock properties and its value in reservoir characterization
Presented by

Dr. Ramil Ahmadov
New England Research, Inc.
Houston, Texas
The integration of plug and log scale characterization is key to generating representative geological, petrophysical and geomechanical models at all stages from exploration and development to production. The importance of whole core and plug measurements is especially vital in finely laminated rocks where well-log scale measurements miss mechanical heterogeneities that are required for realistic mechanical models. The presence of mechanical heterogeneity and anisotropy under the well log resolution is commonplace in unconventional plays and can deeply impact geomechanical assessments ranging from wellbore integrity to horizontal stress estimates. Yet, in order to fully realize the value of lab-based geological, petrophysical and geomechanical characterization, it appears critical that laboratory workflows be optimized in terms of both outputs and turnaround times. In this talk, we present an in-house fully automated core scanner for fast and non-destructive physical property measurements (not just scanning) of elastic, transport and compositional properties of rocks at a very fine scale (down to mm) as well as a set of workflows to incorporate aforementioned properties in conventional and unconventional reservoir characterization with examples from Permian Basin, Vaca Muerta Formation in Argentina and deepwater GOM.
Dr. Ramil Ahmadov is a Principal Geoscientist with New England Research, Inc. Prior to joining NER, Ramil has held various roles at BP and Ikon Science. He has over 10 years of experience in conducting pure and applied research in the area of rock physics, quantitative interpretation and petrophysics. Ramil has considerable experience integrating laboratory, well log, seismic and production data within integrated multidisciplinary teams at all stages from exploration and development to production